Saturday, May 30, 2009

I sithed my pants

Oh dear god I feel fat again, u wanna know y? its bcuz I had 2 and a half of the most sweetest cupcakes in the world, 3 cups of bandung, 5 nuggets and some candy I got at my cuz's bowling party, and I didn' do any exercise after dat bcuz dh malam dah iissshhhh!!!!!! So the highlight ofmy day was my cousin's bowling party kat alam sentral. I saw all those other cousins that I haven't seen 4 a decade or so. I didn't talk much 2 them bcuz I got serously nervous around them bcuzdh lama x jumpa. So, Desi, if ur reading this, pls tell kak nana and family about my really odd behaviour around them, I got nervous. U know me kan? Uuugghh, my kaki gatal giler!!!!! I really liked the goody bags though, evry1 (there were alot of everyones) got a free hello planet sling bag each, a mini gumball machine with gumballs in it, a little white notebook, and I won some prizes too but I'm too lazy to explain wat i got and why I got it.
I really need to stick with 1 attitude, sometimes I get too quiet, sometimes I get 2 cocky, sometimes I get too nervous,I need 2 concentrate on being one attitude at a time.

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