Wednesday, July 22, 2015

But we're alright though

   These last couple of weeks have been a heavy one and I've been feeling a ton of emotions about it, I won't go deep into it but basically there's been a lot of tension within the family household and I've unfortunately landed right in the middle acting as messenger for two sides. One side has been dependent on me a lot to get to the other but the other side, not really much. I admit, I was and still am feeling guilty for emitting such emotions especially since it was Ramadhan and these are the kind of emotions you're not expected to feel during that month. I'm always honest when typing out my entries and I ain't stopping now when I say I've never had the urge to go back to school like I do now. I'd rather much be worrying about my lousy assignment productivity at this point. Again, this could be also because I've been seriously lacking on my religious duties to the point that I'm probably agnostic(?). But that part of my life I'll figure it out on my own, thank you very much.

   So today, I went out and impulsively decided that I was going to get an overpriced journal where I would exclusively use it to vent out my emotions on a daily basis so I could keep myself in check and I don't end up going crazy by the end of the year. I even made a minimalist aesthetic flatlay based around it:
Also on my instagram and tumblr

I've appointed the journal and macbook as my safe haven for my emotions where it would have the least amount of impact on other people. I would be turning to these two as I can't really turn to others at this point in time. I'm also secretly real proud of myself for taking that photo, here's another one!:

  I guess that's all for now :/ toodaloo!
