Friday, November 27, 2009

shorty is like a melody....

I'm blogging more now, probably because I'm bored.
So today was Raya Haji and yesterday I was at my Pah's house for an overnight stay. Obviously I only played with baby Hannah which was great because I love babies and she was quite hyper which gave me quite a workout.
So morning of Raya Haji, my tok gave us all quite an awakening when he shut off all the fans and air-cond and turn on the effing hot lights around 6 am to sembahyang subur. Seriously I nak PMS giler kat dia because he was loud [and kinda crude] lagi-lagi with the fact that he can go nyanyuk and louder at the same time but I love him though.:) After sembahyang subur I went into the room my parents stayed in and slept in there until 7:30 camtu ad siap for sembahyang aidiladha. After sembahyang aidiladha, dengar cerita from the imam but I nak tertidur beacause of the stupid medication!!!!!!!rrrrrrggggghhhhh!!! Seriously, batuk medication creeps me out, I go all shaky and pening and sleepy at the same time. Habis all dat, balik to pah's house skejap got ready to visit Iylia at her skul, my cousins (Hariz, Hazim and Hannah) and their parents decided to come along and we joked about how my sister's friends were going to react once they saw Hariz....... [I laughed along because I was dead bored]we sampai kat sana and my sister had her lunch and the boys found a freakin lawn bowling ball and played hardcore rounders with it. Hannah wanted to play also so her mum took of the kain of her baju kurung which was funny... Balik my house skejap and tido (which felt great!) then went to subang parade to find a gameboy charger for another cousin. I ended up buying a Clique book kat MPH. With a great book in hand we went back to my pah's house to get our baju and stayed there a little while because there were other cousins. So then the other cousins balik and so did we. Sampai rumah, tidur lagi, woke up around 6:39 camtu, ajak mama pergi jogging and the rest u know. So I end here then. au revoir!
New Moon rules! Don't oppose to my choices, join it! Join me now! Join the force, muhuhuwahahahhahaa!!!

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