Sunday, December 6, 2009

I'm marvelous, I'm marvelous!

Could not help myself but to put his picture up again. God he's so pirrrty! Went to subang parade today and bought a pair of cordroids (spelling) and a simple red blouse from FOS and Reject shop. I dunno why people don't like those 2 stores, I mean, they have simple nice clothing over there that comes with a great price. Then, my dad sent me to sunway skejap so I could buy my walking sneakers and I bought 2 comic books. I actually went to popular to find other Clique novels but all they had were the summer specials. Went home, tidur lena, (had a great dream!) bangun petang, couldn't go jogging pasal hujan and watched kung fu panda with my brother and a cousin. Gosh i feel so fat! au revoir!

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