Tuesday, August 19, 2008

No title needed cuz iz total riskay 2 blog right now!!!!

My cousin wear's freakin purple! nOt just any cousin, a boy cousin!!! Like I said, right now is a total risk 2 write right now cause like my dad and the family are like nearby right now!!!! Again, me asking, who created joshin homework people????? k, this is probably bad, my dad knows I hv a blogger!!! Klau my mum xperlah, but my dad makes fun of ppl!! Like my dad anggap's that I hv a normal teenager problem and stuff, but like, understand us teenagers man!!! Ask the right questions at the dinner table!! S*it, now like my cuz who wears purple is watching me!!! Anyways, c u back at skul apiitian readers! Hope 2 shareur miserable and tormenting holiday experience with me!!!
u know u luv me????

Gossip girl?????? (LOL)

wow, I guess kristen bell is the only 1 able 2 pull of that gossip girl thingy! Heh???

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