Wednesday, August 6, 2008

ACDC rocks like sick ed!

ACDC RRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKSSSS, M&M sux like s****, i now, i'm taking it to seriously, but watlah! Miley dh famous dh, and she can't pop lock people, ever wondered that??Aiyyah! ACDC, evry member ader dance talents naturally, in M&M cru, like Miley and Mandy can't dance. Anywayz readers, pls give support 2 ACDC! Ih, yes, Breaking Dawn like dh habis stock, (stupid, I knew I should have reserved my book that day) now my mum's trying to make it up by buying me the host by stephenie meyer, jugk! M&M are like sssssssooooo corny! (y am I taking this so seriously, gosh!)Still needing breaking dawn (k, wat i'm about 2 do is seriously private and lethal, those who xnk tau something really important from breaking dawn, go away, stop reading this now, thse who do want 2 know, pls scroll down)

k, here it goes, i accidentally read an accidental character that was supose to b a total suprise

I warnedu, ifu do hvplans on rading the book,turn away now, its a spoiler


k, Bella and Edward

OMG, takut sial,

turn away now,

its atotal suprise,

k, Bella and EDward


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