Saturday, February 16, 2013

french the llama

Okay, I haven't been blogging about for quite some time and I know I planned to give a full review on tuesdays with morrie but I'm not going to mainly because it's been weeks since I've finished that book and I have since moved on to another book and about to finish it very soon (The Fault In Our Stars by John Green). So far I like it and there were those moments where I really wanted to know what came next (PLOT TWISTS!!!! Oh my!!!!) but not exactly to the point where I felt like finishing it all under one day (I've been subjected to slow reading remember?). Okay so recent updates:
1. I had successfully passed my computer test within the first round (44/50) Alhamdulillah
2. I have yet to go for my 6 hour theory/practical driving course so I am eligible for a learner's permit.
3.So no, I have not started any full official driving lessons yet at the school.
4.  But you know who has? (and has successfully obtained a trial permit i.e Lesen memandu Percubaan (P) ) ..........................Aiman, that's right.........
5. Got into the whole Nerdfighteria movement (check vlogbrothers on Youtube to know what it's all about)
6.bought a John Green book ( and thoroughly loving it)
7. Woke up extremely early to renew passport and had to wait a really long time to just register for one (and accidentally missing our turn which eventually made my mum go hysterical that resulted in her shamelessly crying and pleading to the person in charge of the whole registering thing to let us register, spoilers; she lets us through).
8. Sort of got into an irrational craze after finding out Kylie Jenner from Keeping Up with The Kardashians belongs to a group of elite (and very wealthy) teenagers called the MSFTS(what?) that was started by the one and only Jaden Smith (Will Smith's child and of course, the latest Karate Kid)
9. Realising that with this obsession that I have nothing else to do with my life.
10. oh, and apparently based on instagram observations, Kylie and Jaden are sort of dating (what am I doing with my time?)
11. Realising that I should get a job real soon to support my book buying hobby.
12. Tried to find jobs that doesn't require me to leave the house.
13. Applied for the ISKL scholarship and (hopefully) going to their IB diploma info night this coming tuesday.
So yeah, that's about it. There's no maid in my house so my mum's been constantly bugging me about my chores (laundry, bed cleaning, cat litter cleaning etc.) and reminding me  that I lack of certain home skills which greatly upsets her.So I haven't been the happiest person these past few weeks.
  I'm sort of at a lost right now when it comes to career options and college because I thought after having it all figured out, someone gives their opinion and experience based on that certain field you want to pursue that completely antagonises the whole idea of it? I'm confusing you so I'll explain further, a few weeks back I went to go eat at this fancy restaurant with le relatives to celebrate a beloved aunt's birthday. So in attendance were of course her children, my parents, my grandparents, my aunt's mother in-law and sister in-law. This sister in-law (whom I greatly admire and respect) is a certified PhD professor in the whole medical microbiology expertise and was promoted to Vice Chancellor at USIM (Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia). So yeah, as you can tell she's a pretty big deal. So my parents being the people that they are decided to ask her more about USIM in hopes that they can get some kind of special tuition discount since I am her  (not so distant)second niece -_-(turns out I can't because they only let students enter USIM if they are completely fluent in Arab). This eventually led to a conversation of my future prospects which according to her depending on what sort of path I might end up taking will either be very dim or financially and mentally tiring. She suggested that I look into other options which made me slightly emotional due to all the confusion. Furthermore, having your grandmother there constantly reminding you about (distant) relatives that either end up struggling or unemployed due to the fact that they chosen the wrong degree or didn't put that much thought into choosing a proper major in the first place doesn't help either. May I remind you that these relatives that she constantly talks about are the ones that I have no knowledge of which scares me even more. So if by making certain mistakes when choosing a degree, I will not only run into the risk of unemployment but I will also end up being a morale story (of warning) told by some other distant grandaunt or something to their own grandchildren hoping that they wouldn't make the mistake that I might end up making. So......................................... pressure's on!!! YAY!!!
If you wanna find out more about my cool and incredibly boss second aunt you can check it here

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