Thursday, February 25, 2010

If we ever meet again

I love that song. Seriously I'm so pissed off right now because my demo virtual DJ software can't be used because they need this fuh-reakin higher resolutioned screen to operate! God!!!!! Anywho, yesterday when I went home I saw this article titled "Gaza Not a Charity Case" and it was about what else? Gaza and Isarellah! It wasn't about the fact they needed the money eventhough they (palestinians) appreciated  the help but to have people to stop Israel from doing this. Isn't it true?? But the question is how? So that remains the question for today. I have been scared to ever make a move to my parents in fear that they would blow out at me. My mum's having this problem at work and my dad suggests that we try to make nice. So right now my dad is like macam marah my mum and my mum is crying. Seriously. So i have to stop here for now.

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