I now enjoy Rain, yes the korean entertainer rain. he looked gud with his shirt off dalam cerita Speed Racer!!!! Well, some1 has 2 get me a towel bcuz I am drooling all over his hotness (SSSSNNNNAAAAAPPPPP!!!).heeeheeeeheeeee. As 4 2day, I got 2 lazy 2 do any homework so instead i fooled around with the internet watching random videos... Oh, as a pre-athers day gift, all of us went 2 Victoria's Station and had food and some sparkling!!! I had a black mushroom steak and crabmeat and sweetcorn soup. Boy do I regret hving dat steak but it was gud tough...... As 4 rain, I decided if I could b with any1 during the terminator judgement day, I would like 2 b with him (God, I'll die half way looking 4 him in a few days)...... au revoir...
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