Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I still can't blieve you, you found somebody new! But I wish u the best, I guess

I hope it rains heavily around 9.30am to 10.30am tomorrow, oh pls god! Spare us the physically challenged some saviour from embarasssment!!!!! I am right now in habbo (oh thank god that weird guy isn't online!) searching 4 some ideas 2 draw on my momiji notebook (u know, the green notebook I syng sngt nk conteng). I cannot stop blogging about habbo these days, its so cul!I hv about three hotel rooms with lots of beds and furniture!!!Seriously, I'm just wasting serious amounts of credit money 2 buy virtual stuff. Update on life, I suck at science, I'm gud in sivik, the anne frank book gets interesting, and that's about it actually, got my feelings out finally 2 some people (u know who u r) and as I realised, it feels gud 2 actually lepaskan my anger of ppl 2 them, (yes person, I admitted it wasn't gossip!) Gosh habboing is fun I can't stop thinking about it. I know, habbo freak! Y lah hujan skarang? y? Life has been seriously boring, boring enough until I can somehow b too lazy 2 dance. Things r changing rapidly as time goes fastly by, already nxt month is my b'day, (and so as baby amin's)Life is going pretty quick, I nvr expected 4 my auntie 2 hv 6 children, I never expected my other auntie 2 adopt a baby and I nvr exoected 4 all of my cousins 2 grow up, especially the younger ones, I still think my cousin (who is one of my auntie's six children) is 5 eventhough he's nine now (jauh giler beza). Yes, things constantly change around me, it's gud at the same time it sux, but still, 2day went quite well. Now watching dance videos on youtube 2 get myself into the mood again, dacing mood ofcourse!! I will stop here.Au revoir!

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