hello ppl of wonderful earth, firstly I eould like 2 inform that apiit's beloved principal Mr.Ramli has recently passed away this tuesday, inalillah. But let us not cover us in pain and sadness as I am showing u this, Garett Hedlound, gosh he's freakin rugget, B.E.A.UTIFUL. To bad he died in four brothers, it was torcher looking at it. HE is recently one of my favourite guys right now other than robert pattinson ofcourse!!!! WEEEE!!! Can't wait till twilight comes out, just recently watched the new trailer and (choir singing) hhhaaaaaaa........... unexplainable. I'm going 2 the tahlil for mr.ramli but I can only eat there, bcuz u wanna know y? Bcuz its a gurl thing ofcourse!!! aiyyoh really bored lah,xnk pergi skolah 2morrow bcuz well 1st, its a saturday and 2nd, I hv no mood 2 discuss about the exam papers. gosh, I wish I was kristen bell, dang!!!!! I'm like watching a movie on youtube where robert pattinson is like a total nerd, gosh its beautiful..........
I am very bored right now so I'm just going 2 continue on the movie.
did u notice that there wearing almost the same outfit in both of the pictures??
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